
Thursday 16 April 2015

Whiplash: My emotionally unstable and nonsensical response

So I just watched Whiplash and am straight to my keyboard. I am hammering away at the keys through an overwhelming shortage of breath and a heartbeat that must be breaking some sort of record for its irregularity. I've broken out into a hot sweat and all I can hear is the pounding of drums from Caravan.  

Whiplash was by a mile the best film I have ever seen but it has thrown me; my mental state and moral compass included, completely into turmoil.

If you're reading this having not seen the film in question, please just stop reading. This post will not be worth your time which should really be spent on watching Whiplash.

If you have watched Whiplash, then here a few in-comprehensive thoughts that have plagued my mind since the film ended that maybe you share/disagree with/haven't considered. I'd love to continue this discussion beyond the post, so do leave a comment below or contact me with any of your thoughts!


Both Terrence and Andrew got what they wanted, and this bothers me somewhat, because naturally I feel like Terrence fitted the villain role and does not deserve success. But then one of the most resounding messages throughout the film was what does success actually mean and who is deserving of it? - Surely it is the person who is willing to walk through hell and sacrifice everything that will, and should, succeed, but does emotional scarring not blacken the name of success and turn it into something else entirely? And so what if someone isn't prepared to push everything aside in the name of ambition? Does that make them unworthy of achievement?

'Four words you will never hear from the NFL.'
- R
emember when the nature of success is discussed at the dinner table of Andrew's extended family? That scene played host to one of the best pieces of script writing I've ever scene in my life. It portrayed competitive family life almost infuriatingly accurately, and allowed the real life underdog to watch a marvelous display of quick-witted sass that they have at so many moments wished they had the confidence to display themselves. 

THAT EYE CONTACT AT THE END gave me palpitations.
No - that whole freaking final scene gave me palpitations.
I was quite literally on the edge of my seat from both the almost unbearable tension and the sheer gut-wrenching support I had for Andrew as he created a moment that I think every human being on the planet has at some point in their life wished they could create. When he mouths those two words to Fletcher and switches his badass gear to maximum I couldn't help but squeal because I so badly wanted to punch the air because wow what a golden sequence. You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Terrence is a metaphorical inch away from breaking Andrew, in a manner so psychotic I simply cannot empathise with it, but the film ends with them as equals. The power struggle is resolved, their eyes meet, and they both win. Through Andrew's impromptu slaying of Caravan, he finally earns the respect of Fletcher, and most probably the audience, and Fletcher has finally created his star. Reiterating some earlier points, part of me feels Fletcher does not deserve his success or to be equal with Andrew. My morals dictate to me that no one has any right to inflict psychological distress, like Fletcher does to his students, upon anyone, and no one should ever be made or feel obliged to endure such a thing...but it happens, and it creates undeniable results. So depending on where your priorities lie, I guess Fletcher's methods are justifiable and to be expected. Hmm. I also recognise that Fletcher is an incredibly ambiguous character, with more layers to his personality than an onion to its skin. He did care about Andrew and he did see his potential, he just had a very particular method of extracting talent which, unfortunately, worked.

I also can't help feeling that the suddenness of the ending (I did see it coming, but it still gave me chills) suggested that Andrew's goal throughout the story became less and less about becoming a successful drummer in his own right, but merely earning Fletcher's respect. This point is pretty empty, but I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT EYE CONTACT and Andrew's smile as he looks up at Fletcher like 'I did it.' and Fletcher's wrinkles rising as he cracks a smile like 'I did it.' 


Sorry this isn't very polished, it is purely my stream of consciousness fresh out of the cinema. I needed to rant. Thank you for your time.


  1. This is supposed to be a blog not a diary. what a load of rubbish. Terribly made blog no time taken at all. No one actually cares about your mundane shit. :")

  2. Throughout the course of the film, you notice Andrew's eyes become deader and deader and I feel like the ending, as much as you wanna be like 'GO ANDREW!', is deeply tragic - he's given himself over to the dark side in some way.

    Great post by the way, I think you have a beautiful talent with words

    1. I totally agree! It's sickeningly bittersweet. I could easily go insane thinking through all the loopholes as to who submitted to who etc.

      Thank you ever so much, that means a lot :)
