
Thursday 9 April 2015

I need feminism

So I didn't write anything in March. Cry cry. But here is a thing!

Feminism. It's become a bit of a big deal in the last few years. Kate NashJoseph-Gordon Levitt,  and Emma Watson (amongst many, many others!) have all done cool things in the name of gender equality and one could argue that the cause is finally getting the limelight it deserves. There's a lot I could say about the great leaps feminism has made, and the exciting projects taking place in its name at the moment, but I won't, because that's a story for another day. But what I will say is that no matter how far it has come, or how far it has yet to go, I NEED FEMINISM.

I have a pinterest account (link is on the left...) and one of my many boards is dedicated to feminism. When browsing quotes, photos, videos and articles of this theme, I have noticed a trend  - the 'I need feminism because...' white boards. 

'I need feminism because...'
(click on image to enlarge)

I think these are a cool way of spreading the message with a personal touch, but unfortunately these exist too:

'I don't need feminism because...'
(click on image to enlarge)
There appear to be two predominant themes here - 
1) a misunderstanding of what feminism is
2) a belief that it was all well and good once upon a time but it's not needed anymore

Now I'm all for expressing opinions and raising discussions, I mean that's what I'm doing right now, and I'm totally grateful, especially in light of recent events, that I live in a society where these people and I can make our voices heard/messages read without fear.
However, I personally believe that each of these statements,
as comments against feminism, are fundamentally flawed. 

 1 - That is a gross generalisation of feminists 
        You do not need to identify as a victim to recognise the gender gap
        Women in western society may not be oppressed like the women of Afghanistan, Mali and Iraq (to name but a few countries) but that does not mean we don't need feminism. We need it because of what it has done for us and for what it can do for the women who are in undeniable and harrowing need right now!
        Moreover, why are so many people so scared to advance? Like, yeah we can show more than our ankles in public, yeah we can divorce our husbands without being shunned, yeah we can vote and lots of other good stuff, but what about going even further? Like abolishing the pink tax? Why stop now?

   2 - If you want the recognition you deserve as an entrepreneur (instead of being labelled 'female entrepreneur') it is FEMINISM that is championing that recognition! You're looking for gender equality; you're looking for feminism.

   3 - To empower women means to strengthen and build upon what they already have and encourage those who may not have realised what it is they have! Women are not weak and that is precisely the foundation that feminism stands on; the genders are equal and deserve equal rights. 

It saddens me when I hear people saying they 'don't need feminism' because apparently its goals have already been accomplished. I don't believe that just because attitudes have advanced and laws have been passed, the need for gender equality is any less. It is exercised more actively, and we can appreciate it in action, but that doesn’t mean we could live happy lives without it. Surely being able to see how much it improves society proves how much we all need feminism?

I live in a world that Emily Davison dreamed of, but I need feminism just as much as she did. 

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