My first ever post on this blog was titled 'The Next Step' and was published on the 7th October 2014. It was a very, very long tale of my personal struggles in choosing a University course. Today is the 13th August 2015 and this morning I found out that I have been accepted into my top choice University; Kent, to study Drama. And boy oh boy, I've got all the feels.
I spent so many hours and so much energy on making this decision, worrying about this decision, and then working my sanity into the ground to earn this decision, that to now know that it's truly over and earnt is so surreal. Surreal enough to write a blog post about at 11:59pm haha.
I actually didn't get into University on the grades of my offer...I was supposed to get ABB but achieved ACC (cry cry) so shout out to Kent for that lovely little favour, I really appreciate it. No thank yous to Edexcel, you big ol' pile of nope. I was pretty upset when I read that I'd got 2 Cs in subjects I believed I was stronger in - even though I already knew when opening my results that Kent had accepted me, I was really struggling to accept me (criiiinge, sorry). In that moment, I was a failure, no matter what UCAS or Kent had told me. But I think that was okay; it's okay to be disappointed as long as you forgive yourself in time and don't loose sight of the bigger picture. It's taken all day, but I'm alright now, I'm satisfied, and over the moon that in September I am packing my bags to move to the beautiful city of Canterbury to study my favourite subject (that I got a C in grr, okay still a little bitter ha). I wish I had done better, but I know that the letters in the envelope I opened at 10:30am this morning do not define me; my experience at Kent will define me.
If I was to get really deep here and search for a meaning or a lesson to be learnt from my results, I would say that it's an encouragement for me to really, totally pull my weight and work harder than I ever have worked at University. I've been granted a place at the institution of my choice, but golly it was by the skin of my teeth. Perhaps if I'd got in with the grades I was supposed to, or higher, I wouldn't be motivated to work as hard. But in the present I've got quite a lot to prove, to myself mainly. I can Drama!
Well, there's a lifey update for you internet, see you at The Next Step #3, whatever that will be...