
Friday, 2 January 2015

Start as you mean to go on

I have developed a habit, and I know I'm not alone in this, of entering the new year with the words "this year I will...". And I'll be lying. Every time. But this, I realise now in my new-year wisdom, is because I have fallen victim to pledging new years resolutions purely out of social pressure. And under pressure is no place to make a pledge. Especially to oneself. But this year, and I apologise for the impending cliche; it's going to be different. I'm starting 2015 with strong, whole-hearted intentions and I am determined to see at least one of them through to 2016 and beyond.

2014 was a year in which all my previous behind-the-scenes flaws found their way to centre-stage, if you will (wow nice theatre analogies Rosemary). And by this I mean, for example, I have always had a problem with timekeeping but it's never been too obvious or inconvenient in the past, but somehow in 2014 I managed to be late to almost every single engagement. And let me tell you, being the one that's always late is not fun. This is the same for procrastination, sleeping patterns, you name it...I kind of just stopped looking after myself this year. But that was okay, because as I like to say (to shift the guilt of being an awful human slightly off my shoulders) you live and learn. 

And so begin my new year resolutions...


This year I am going to:

  • Aim to be early for things 
    even the little things
  • Drink lots (and lots and lots and lots) of water
    Because that comes with all sorts of health bonuses yay for vitality
  • Wear minimal makeup for normal days, preferably none, and save the products for special days
  • Go swimming more!
    When I was younger, swimming was my absolute most favourite thing...I was such a water baby, and having not swam publicly for over two and a half years I really miss it :( I am even lucky enough to have an amazing new swimming pool only down the road from me, but swimming is a bit of a daunting prospect when it's lifeguarded by boys my age and all swimming costumes seem to be hideously unflattering on my body...but alas, that doesn't matter, because this year I am going to go swimming :)
  • Go running...and walking...and cycling
    I'm really unfit. Depressingly unfit. I need to do something about it, and to be honest, if I actually tried, I think I'd enjoy exercise
  • Go to bed earlier (zzz)
    This will be painfully difficult, but hopefully worth it
  • Read more! (books are cool)
    It's about time I fulfilled the stereotype associated with my taste in spectacles
  • Doodle and sketch for fun 
    Art lessons should not be the only time I produce art!
  • Be >unapologetically< honest
    I am (metaphorically) waving farewell to endless ambiguity and tiptoeing around the edges of awkward social interaction for the sake of political correctness. I avoided confronting a lot of things I probably ought to have done this year for fear of making people uncomfortable and it wasted a lot of time and emotions, so I've decided to draw a line (again, metaphorically). Here's to speaking ones mind and dealing with things head on! Also under the theme of being honest...I need to stop lying, because I'm too easily tempted into
     saying "I've just left" when I'm packing my bag, and "I'm doing my English coursework" when I've just paused a film...
  • Make schedules (and STICK TO THEM) 
    How many time Rosemary? Being spontaneous doesn't work when you're an airhead
  • Be kind


And so, that summarises my personal resolutions for's the thought that counts, right?

And dear reader, I hope you too will take a moment, if you haven't already, to ponder upon what changes you'd like to make in the name of a new year. Granted, the ideal of #newyearnewme is cringey, but there's nothing wrong with allowing yourself to start afresh and trying to be a better you.

Start as you mean to go on.